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The Itsy Bitsy Spider


The itsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout.

Down came the rain and washed the spider out.

Out came the sun and dried up all the rain.

So the itsy bitsy spider climbed up the spout again.

Itsy bitsy spider spun a silver web.

Busy, busy weaving every thread.

When it was ready, it glistened in the sun.

And itsy bitsy rested. Now his work was done.


What you need:

  • play dough
  • pipe cleaner cut into eight pieces for legs
  • paper towel roll for water spout
  • construction paper
  • double sided tape for web

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Itsy Bitsy Spider activity Itsy Bitsy Spider Water Spout made out of paper towel roll
Itsy Bitsy Spider Craft Itsy Bitsy Spider made out of play dough and pipe cleaners

Teaching Tip: Playing with dough, pipe cleaners, and toilet paper rolls are a great way for your child to develop his or her fine motor skills!

Teaching Tip: Add some math in this activity! Count the spider's legs. Are there eight?

Teaching Tip: Add some science to this activity. Read the spider and rain facts below. Also, talk to your child about the water cycle. As a fun experiment, try to collect rain in a small container and see how long it takes to evaporate.

Spider Facts

Spiders have eight legs and most have eight eyes too.

Many spiders spin webs, but not all. The webs are to catch other bugs that they eat.

Spiders that build webs have to rebuild their web each day.

All spiders make silk. We use silk to make some clothing, ropes, parachutes, bandages, and biodegradable bottles

Rain Facts

Rain falls from gray clouds. The clouds are gray because water vapor is clumping together to form raindrops. White clouds do not have as much water vapor.

Raindrops fall from the gray clouds at speeds of 5 to 18 miles per hour. Raindrops can fall faster than we can run.

Rain is part of the water cycle. The water cycle goes like this. Rain falls from clouds. Puddles are formed. The water in the puddles evaporates from the heat of the sun. This means the puddles disappear. The water turns into a vapor which is invisible and will eventually make big fluffy clouds. The vapor turns back into water creating raindrops. As more raindrops form, clouds become darker. Eventually it starts to rain again.

We need rain. Rain gives us water to drink, cook with, and bathe in.

Encouragement: The best classroom is a multi-sensory environment where children can play and explore. You are creating that classroom when your child plays in the bath, squishes dinner, and stomps in the mud. You are creating that classroom when you let your little one take the lead within your safe perimeter.

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